Hacco is committed to protecting intellectual property rights and adhering to all applicable laws and regulations. We strive to provide a secure and legal transaction environment for all users and will actively cooperate with intellectual property owners to combat infringement. Our dedicated Intellectual Property team diligently monitors and investigates all reports of infringement.
Definition of Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property rights fall into three main categories:
  • Trademarks: Trademarks are distinctive symbols that identify businesses, goods, and services. They can consist of graphics, words, three-dimensional designs, numbers, or other elements. Trademark owners have the exclusive right to use their registered trademarks and to prevent others from infringing upon them.
  • Patents: Patents protect inventions, utility models, and designs. Patent holders have the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling their patented inventions during the patent’s validity period.
  • Copyrights: Copyright protects original works of authorship, including literary works, images, music, dramas, paintings, videos, and computer software. Copyright owners have exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display their works.
Definition of Intellectual Property Infringement
Infringement occurs when someone improperly uses another’s trademarks, copyrighted works, or patents. Examples include:
  • Listing goods that improperly use another’s trademarks, copyrighted works, or patents.
  • Publishing information about products that improperly use another’s trademarks, copyrighted works, or patents, or that could cause confusion or misrepresentation.
  • Using another’s trademarks, copyrighted works, or patents in product information.
Who Can Report Infringement?
Reports of intellectual property infringement can be submitted by:
  • The intellectual property rights (IPR) owner.
  • An authorized agent acting on behalf of the IPR owner, with proof of authorization (e.g., a power of attorney).
  • Any Hacco user who believes they have purchased a counterfeit or potentially infringing item.
How to Submit a Report
Directly contacting the information publisher may lead to a faster and more amicable resolution. You can also submit a formal Trademark Infringement Report or Copyright Infringement Report to request the removal of the allegedly infringing content.
All reports must include the information requested in our online report form. Incomplete reports may hinder our investigation and could be rejected.
We may share your contact information, including your email address and the name of the trademark/copyright owner, and details of the complaint with the account holder.
Before submitting a report, please be aware that knowingly submitting false or misleading information could result in legal consequences under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and similar laws.
We may contact you for clarification regarding your report. Please note that Hacco cannot adjudicate disputes between third parties and may not be able to remove the content or suspend the reported account. You may wish to contact the content poster or account owner directly to attempt to resolve the issue.
Required Information for Reports
Reports must include the following:
  • Specific details of the infringement: Clearly describe the type and nature of the violation, such as unauthorized use of trademarks, copyrighted works, or patents in product images, titles, or descriptions.
  • Proof of ownership:
    • Trademark, copyright, or patent registration number.
    • For counterfeit goods, provide images or links to the original product.
    • Original images must be submitted as RAW files or JPGs with EXIF data. Shooting sets or creation contracts may also be required.
    • Trademark infringement reports must include a trademark registration certificate that matches the trademark of the reported goods.
    • Patent infringement reports must include a patent registration certificate that is currently valid.
  • Proof of identity (in certain situations): This may include a copy of the IPR owner’s photo ID or a copy of the ID with a signature.
Penalties for Infringement
For products that violate intellectual property rights, Hacco will remove the product listings, trace the product’s source to the supplier, and take appropriate action. This may include restricting, blacklisting, or suspending the supply relationship with suppliers who knowingly and seriously infringe intellectual property rights.
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